Creative Industries



Are you considering a career change or pivot? Then I’d love to help you on the next steps of your journey by offering a free of charge creative brainstorm where we talk through all the possibilities of your idea and ambitions for it. You will come away with some tangible next steps to make it a reality.

Website Build


A simple website acts as your shop window and is the first step of the journey in to creating your brand. Prices are much more competitive than you may think and are surprisingly simple to run and keep updated. Or, if you are a technophobe, then economical and timely updates can be arranged.

Website MOT


If you have already created your own site but aren’t satisfied with its design or performance then why not have a website MOT? I will help review your SEO, streamline your copy and navigation, plus, depending on your industry, review potential areas where you could make additional revenue.

Social Strategy


Another vital step in building your brand today. Decide on which social platforms work with your chosen career path and agree a realistic strategy for updates and growth. This could include anything from a monthly content calendar with goals, paid advertising, or if you’re already a bit of a social whizz, then advice on ensuring that your channels perform from a business perspective.



So how about if you’ve done all of the above and have hit a plateau? How do you know how you compare with others in your industry? What about networking? How do you ensure that you get paid in a timely fashion? Are you hustling for new work enough? All of these questions haunt freelancers and distract from the creative work that they want to focus on.

You may think ‘Can’t someone else do it?’ And now they can.